Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An Inventive DIY Drainback System

Just looking around for some interesting news regarding solar hot water heaters, and I came across this great article!

Apparently this Chinese farmer is getting hot shower water from this roof of beer bottles and plastic tubing. According to the article, "I invented this for my mother. I wanted her to shower comfortably," says Ma Yanjun, of Qiqiao village, Shanxi province.Ma's invention features 66 beer bottles attached to a board. The bottles are connected to each other [with plastic tubing] so that water flows through them.Sunlight heats the water as is passes slowly through the bottles before flowing into the bathroom as hot water, reports China Economy Network. Ma says, "It provides enough hot water for all three members of his family to have a shower every day. And more than 10 families in the village have already followed suit and installed their own versions of Ma's invention."
*Acticle originally found on Ananova.

What a great idea. However, a do-it-yourself solar water heater is very difficult to do right. A professionally manufactured and installed system will cost more than a few re-used beer bottles and some tubing, but in the long run, they’re less expensive than electric or gas water heaters. And you'll still have peace of mind, because you'll have a warranty!

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