Wednesday, February 23, 2011

REAPing Solar Hot Water

Webinar Registration

Renewable Energy For America (REAP) Grant Administration with Solar Heat Exchange Mfg.:  A primer on sales and management of solar hot water systems using REAP grants in conjunction with Federal 30% cash back and factory financing, led by Jeff Morrow of Solar Heat Exchange Mfg.  The webinar will cover the programs, documents, costs, financing, and grant management using Google Apps.
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Friday, February 25, 2011

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

SHEM will be hosting a webinar this Friday, February 25th at 10:00 A.M. Kansas time (central).  You’re invited to join us.  Can’t attend?  We’ll post information on our website at:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Taking Full Advantage of the REAP Program

Solar Heat Exchange Manufacturing has partnered with select solar dealers to assist small businesses and communities in the purchasing and installation of solar hot water systems. This program utilizes a host of available incentives and rebates in combination with SHEM financing.

How Does It Work?
If your business uses 250 gallons (or more) of daytime hot water and is located in a community of under 50,000 population, then you may qualify for a new solar hot water system using both REAP grants and Federal cash back tax credits.
The USDA Renewable Energy for America Program (REAP) grant, in combination with Federal cash back rebates and SHEM financial support enable you to realize the cash value of multiple programs and long-term benefits of free hot water.
That's the good news. The bad news is this program combination is limited in it's availability. REAP funds area available on a first come first served basis. Federal cash incentive program is available only until the end of 2011. The REAP commercial grant deadline is considerably shorter, ending April 1, 2011.
Allocation of Expenses
This program involves a 20% downpayment by the purchaser, payable incrementally as follows:
5% of estimated cost of your system will serve as an initial deposit to begin the grant application. There is a significant amount of work involved in the development of the grant for every individual system. This deposit ensures the dedication of participating parties.
Another 5% payment is due upon the award of the grant. If the grant is not awarded, the initial 5% deposit is returned.
The final 10% downpayment would be due upon completion of the installation. These three payments (5%, 5%, 10%) represent the total cash investment. The balance of system cost is financed through grants (25%), rebates (30%) and cash flow from reduced utility expense (25%). 
The REAP grant will cover 25% of the system cost. This 25% payment will be due from the purchaser after it is received from REAP, some 75 days after completion.
Federal rebates of 30% are payable in a similar fashion. These amounts are payable after the purchaser receives their federal rebate, estimated at 150 days after completion.
SHEM will provide a maintenance agreement and financing for the 25% balance of your system's total cost. The cash flow for these payments is guaranteed to come from the utility savings. Twice per year, your solar dealer will check your system to assure peak performance, and to communiate savings. In other words, future payments cover both system cost and on-going maintenance and supervision, and are paid for by savings.
The net result: Your total out-of-pocket expense will be 20%. The system's savings are guaranteed, with performance measured with data loggers and supervised by bi-annual site inspections.
Please call (785) 597-2333 or email us to contact our REAP Program Director to begin the application process.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Assistance with California's Global Warming Solutions Act (AB32)

Solar Heat Exchange Manufacturing has developed a leasing program to assist Californians in the mandated AB32 law (aka the Global Warming Solutions Act). This leasing program allows governmental units to take advantage of federal and state incentives that would be otherwise available only to the private sector. Our Thermal Services Division can utilize existing funding resources to finance the implementation of a solar hot water system for your organization, which fulfills the AB32 mandate.  Here are some of the program highlights:

*This is a time sensitive program. California's Tier One incentives are limited in their funds. Federal tax rebates & incentives offer cash back only in 2011. Immediate action is required to take advantage of the historically affordable upgrade to your building's efficiency and energy independence.
*This program meets AB32 mandates. This California law requires the state to reduce green-house gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Solar hot water is specifically identified as a means of fulfilling this requirement.
*No out of pocket cost. Our leasing program allows for your bi-annual payment to be lower than your actual energy savings, with no capital expenditures.
This program will not only promote healthy change to the current standard of building practices in the state of California, but it will also promote new job growth and new learning in the green building sector.
Again, this is a time-sensitive program. Funding is limited.  If you're interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please contact our website for more information here, or contact our Thermal Services Division at 785-597-2333.