Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who Killed the Solar Hot Water Heater?

Awesome article from about the Rise & Fall of Solar Hot Water Systems in the U.S

All over the world, everyone is making (or has already made) the economical and environmentally sound change to solar hot water. It's reliable. It's way less expensive. It's simple. Seriously... all over the world they're doing this. Why haven't we done so here in the States? Read on:

Turns out, solar hot water was becoming increasingly popular in the 70's and 80's due to great gov't incentives passed by the Carter Administration. However, the rapidly-expanding-market (without much oversight) led to lowered quality systems and bad install jobs. This, combined with the Federal Gov't later cutting the incentives program, gave solar hot water a very bad rap as being uneconomical and an ineffective means of heating  your water.

Well, times they-are-a-changin'.

The government has reinstated absolutely KILLER incentives and rebates to make solar hot water heaters unbelievably affordable (up to 70% paid for in some states! No joke). The technology and refinement of the solar hot water system has been refined. Our patented Simple Drainback System is second to none in efficiency and simplicity. Today's competition (unlike the solar boom in the 70's and 80's) demands reliable systems and perfect installation jobs every time.

Want to dig a little deeper into the possibilities available to you through solar hot water? Read on.

Monday, September 6, 2010

SHEM's New Website

Check out our newly designed website - -  your headquarters for all things solar. We have developed an entire range of solar thermal solutions for every imaginable application. In our website you’ll find solutions for many solar thermal needs, from domestic hot water to industrial or commercial process heating.

Come take a look at what we have to offer at