Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fox News on Rehabbing Homes & Solar Thermal

Yes, it's true. Even from the funny pages of Fox News, you'll find "Fair and Balanced" "news" reporting on the benefits of solar thermal hot water.

"...use the sun to rein in utility bills. A solar water heater system will typically cost more than a conventional system to install, according to the DOE. But it can trim your hot water expenses by 50% to 80%, so they can pay for themselves within a few years, depending on your usage. Don't forget the 30% federal tax credit on the purchase, and check to see if your state and local governments offer incentives."

Why would Fox News choose to publish an article on such a liberal-hippie-crack-pot idea such as this? Because the facts are irrefutable, no matter what end of the political spectrum you stand on. A solar thermal hot water system is simply the right thing to do. Now if you’re an oil-tycoon, a self-absorbed zillionaire, or an evil scientist hell-bent on destroying the earth one-bit of [insert your fossil fuel of choice here] at a time, then okay. Maybe this method of saving money while simultaneously saving the Earth is not for you. But if you don’t fall into this category, the get on board, people! Check out the Simple Drainback Method.

Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/2010/12/13/handy-ways-save-home-rehab/

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Eagles Going Even Greener

...Well, "going greener" meaning that they already wear green uniforms. But they're really stepping up by implementing wind turbine power generation, solar panels,  low flush toilets and composting in their Philadelphia Eagles Stadium. Since being built in 2003, they've really become pioneers in the sports-arena industry by working to become self-sufficient in their energy usage, as many teams have introduced similar efficiency programs for their stadiums since. Go Eagles!

 Read on --> 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

10 Million Gallons of Solar Water Heating Act of 2010

Big news: Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has introduced legislation that would greatly aid in the expansion of rooftop solar energy in the United States. His "10 Million Solar Roofs and 10 Million Gallons of Solar Water Heating Act of 2010" would help fund the installation of solar panels on 10 million American homes and businesses as well as the installation of 200,000 solar water heaters. This would produce about 30,000 new megawatts -- the equivalent of about 30 nuclear power plants -- and help put us on the path toward a truly green energy economy.

Please take a minute and contact your senators and encourage them to join as cosponsors of the "10 Million Solar Roofs 5 and 10 Million Gallons of Solar Water Heating Act of 2010" to help our country move toward green energy. Follow this link to do so.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Install Self-Help Videos Now Available

We've started a new series of videos for you contractors, do-it-yourself-ers, plumbers... and well... anyone who has a question about their new Simple Drainback System. Or even anyone who is simply interested in the SHEM  Simple Drainback System.

These videos touch on all the major points of the installation process. Identifying and familiarizing the necessary hardware, proper orientation of the solar collectors on the rack, the correct method of tilt mounting your collectors, properly installing and protecting your fittings, and details regarding the funciton and installation of the flow meter.

This is the first series in our new video section on the SHEM website.  They are meant to help you with any new questions that may come up when you're climbing around on your roof, warming up the torch to do some soldering, or just curious about the process of installing a super-efficient solar hot water system.

Installation Video - Part 1 - Identifying & Installing Hardware
Installation Video - Part 2 - Tilt Mounting Collectors & Orientation
Installation Video - Part 3 - Protecting the Fittings & Understanding the Flow Meter

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Final Weekend of the Month Clearance on Solar Hot Water Systems & Open House

We're hosting an open house demonstration & installation seminar from 9am-4pm this Saturday! Come out to our offices for refreshment and lively discussion regarding solar hot water in YOUR home. "Final Weekend of the Month Clearance" on off-test Solar Hot Water Systems, sold complete! See pricing below:
• $1,750 - 80 gallon drainback with two 4'x8' Novan flat plate collectors.
• $2,000 - 80 gallon "E" drainback with internal electric element: One 4'x10' flat plate collector.
• $1,850 - 80 gallon drainback with new Suntask 30 tube heat pipe evacuated tube array.
• $2,000 - 120 gallon glycol system with two 20 tube heat pipe evacuated tube array
System installed value between $5,500 - $8,000. So as you can see, this is a particularly low price for a solar hot water system. This event will be the first "Final Weekend of the Month Clearance" sale. We will hold our open house from 9am-4pm at our offices in Perry, KS. with free demos and installation seminar. Click here for directions »

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

HLN Money Expert Clark Howard Installs Solar Collectors on His Roof

Sure this guy is kind of a goof-ball, and looks a skinny Steve Carell in this screenshot, but he's right on target with this bit on solar hot water collectors. He had one installed at his home this summer and did a special on it to highlight the simplicity, efficiency, and savings associated with installing a solar hot water system in your home. Check the video out right here.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Solar Hot Water Heater Coming to the White House

That's right -- putting their money where their mouth is on their commitment to U.S. leadership in solar energy, and the jobs it will create here at home! Sounds great. Although Jimmy Carter made the first attempt to jump-start the solar power movement back in the 70's by installing solar panels on the White House. Then the Regan Administration pulled them down when he moved in. Boo. 

Well, we're back, baby. The solar panel system on the White House, which should be installed by next spring, will convert sunlight directly to electricity, while the solar hot water heater will have a solar collector facing the sun to heat water for use in the White House residence. This announcement came on the one year anniversary of an executive order that called on the federal government to lead in the establishment of a clean energy economy. Read the whole article here.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who Killed the Solar Hot Water Heater?

Awesome article from www.getsolar.com about the Rise & Fall of Solar Hot Water Systems in the U.S

All over the world, everyone is making (or has already made) the economical and environmentally sound change to solar hot water. It's reliable. It's way less expensive. It's simple. Seriously... all over the world they're doing this. Why haven't we done so here in the States? Read on:

Turns out, solar hot water was becoming increasingly popular in the 70's and 80's due to great gov't incentives passed by the Carter Administration. However, the rapidly-expanding-market (without much oversight) led to lowered quality systems and bad install jobs. This, combined with the Federal Gov't later cutting the incentives program, gave solar hot water a very bad rap as being uneconomical and an ineffective means of heating  your water.

Well, times they-are-a-changin'.

The government has reinstated absolutely KILLER incentives and rebates to make solar hot water heaters unbelievably affordable (up to 70% paid for in some states! No joke). The technology and refinement of the solar hot water system has been refined. Our patented Simple Drainback System is second to none in efficiency and simplicity. Today's competition (unlike the solar boom in the 70's and 80's) demands reliable systems and perfect installation jobs every time.

Want to dig a little deeper into the possibilities available to you through solar hot water? Read on.

Monday, September 6, 2010

SHEM's New Website

Check out our newly designed website - -  your headquarters for all things solar. We have developed an entire range of solar thermal solutions for every imaginable application. In our website you’ll find solutions for many solar thermal needs, from domestic hot water to industrial or commercial process heating.

Come take a look at what we have to offer at www.simpledrainback.com

Friday, July 30, 2010

Solar Water Heaters Now Mandatory In Hawaii

Starting this year, Hawaii has become the first state to require solar water heaters in new homes. The bill was signed into law by Governor Linda Lingle in 2008. The law prohibits the issuing of building permits for single-family homes that do not have solar water heaters. Hawaii relies on imported fossil fuels more than any other state, with about 90 percent of its energy sources coming from foreign countries, according to state data.

State Sen. Gary Hooser, vice chairman of the Energy and Environment Committee, first introduced the measure eight years ago when he said a barrel of oil cost just $40. Since then, the cost of oil has more than tripled! It's unbelievable how much the price of oil has risen in such a short amount of time.

Should this bill be passed for other states in the Continental US?  There's probably a positive gain for requiring solar hot water heaters in tropical areas like Hawaii, but to pass this law in parts of the country that endure longer, darker winters probably wouldn't be quite the same. Something to chew on.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Solar Thermal Challenge Hosted By SHEM

The Challenge: Efficient design of solar thermal in residential new construction.
The Prize: Construction and monitoring of winning selection.
The Payoff: $1,000 in prizes for top three selections.

The Contest
Using Google Sketchup, the free Google 3-D drawing program (available here for free download), two model structures have been provided. Roof orientation varies, from 3/12 southfacing to 12/12 north/south orientations.Any product, and any manufacturer is invited to submit qualified bids. The intent of the program is to construct the buildings, then monitor and report results.Pre-deadline bidders conference to be held at Solar Heat Exchange Manufacturing's westcoast warehouse and factory support center at the Morrow ranch in Redding, CA. At that conference, Jeff Morrow will conduct a seminar on sizing and diagramming systems.

The Conference
Our conference will be held the first weekend in August (August 6,7 & 8th, 2010) at the Solar Heat Exchange Manufacturing's West Coast Warehouse & Factory Support Center at the Morrow Ranch in Redding, CA. Beginning with a Friday night mixer, speakers and seminars are to follow on Saturday and Sunday. Accommodations are available.

Guest Speakers - Friday
Bruce Ewing - Mid America Heating & Plumbing, Manhattan, KS. The founder of Solar Heat Exchange Manufacturing, will be making the opening remarks of conference.
Jeff Morrow - Solar Heat Exchange Manufacturing, Perry, KS. One line diagramming: system sizing and communicating plumbing details.
Jeff Shaw - Gulf South Solar, Lafayette, LA. Training, marketing and business development. The story of a seasoned dealer.

Guest Speakers - Saturday
Bryan Tumolo - SPS Industries, Albuquerque, NM. Discussing the issues regarding the installation of evacuated tubes and large scale thermal.
Michael Hopson - Covington, LA. The realities of becomming a new solar thermal dealer. Lessons learned in solar dealing.
Tom Dinkel - SunReports, San Francisco, CA. Hosts the discussion on the benefits of web based solar monitoring.

Please contact us to attend and/or participate in the challenge.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

SHEM in the News

Solar Heat Exchange Manufacturing made the evening Channel 6 News on June 15th.  They were reporting a story on the Douglas County Jail where SHEM was installing the jail's brand new solar water system. The installation is expected to save $18,000 from the jail's budget during the next 15 years.

Jails are ideal buildings for implementing solar water heating systems. Since most of the hot water usage occurs during the day time in a jail facility, this truly  Maximizes the efficiency of the system.

See the video and learn more about this particular system here

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Simplest Solution for Drainback Installations

The Simple Drainback Tank serves as a low pressure solar fluid reservoir for the system. The domestic water is piped through the super efficient Hot Spring heat exchange coil in order to transfer the solar energy to the domestic hot water line. This configuration enables the system to operate with a single pump. The password protected SHEM 32 controller is optimally programmed for the Simple Drainback System.

The Simple Drainback System reduces the number of components associated with traditional drainback systems, significantly reducing installation time and complexity. The system design eliminates the need for additional pumps, tanks, piping and hardware.

The system arrives installation ready with the pump flange and the pre-wired controller fastened to the tank. Installation requires only four plumbing connections and one sensor connection. Once filled with water, the system is ready for years of maintenance free, reliable operation.

For more information, visit our website at http://www.simpledrainback.com/

Monday, June 7, 2010

California Rebates & Tax Credits

New rebates and tax credits are making it easier for California residents to use solar energy to heat the water in their homes. KPBS reporter Sharon Heilbrunn discusses the benefits of solar water heaters.  State regulators recently approved $350 million in rebates for homes and businesses that switch to solar water heating. Katrina Phruksukarn of the California Center for Sustainable Energy says this is a boost to the industry.

Check out this informative video from kpbs.org that explains exactly how solar water heaters work, and the benefits of installing one in your home.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An Inventive DIY Drainback System

Just looking around for some interesting news regarding solar hot water heaters, and I came across this great article!

Apparently this Chinese farmer is getting hot shower water from this roof of beer bottles and plastic tubing. According to the article, "I invented this for my mother. I wanted her to shower comfortably," says Ma Yanjun, of Qiqiao village, Shanxi province.Ma's invention features 66 beer bottles attached to a board. The bottles are connected to each other [with plastic tubing] so that water flows through them.Sunlight heats the water as is passes slowly through the bottles before flowing into the bathroom as hot water, reports China Economy Network. Ma says, "It provides enough hot water for all three members of his family to have a shower every day. And more than 10 families in the village have already followed suit and installed their own versions of Ma's invention."
*Acticle originally found on Ananova.

What a great idea. However, a do-it-yourself solar water heater is very difficult to do right. A professionally manufactured and installed system will cost more than a few re-used beer bottles and some tubing, but in the long run, they’re less expensive than electric or gas water heaters. And you'll still have peace of mind, because you'll have a warranty!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

DSIRE... A Great Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy

Check out this very useful site that's a great comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. DSIRE was established in 1995 and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. It's an ongoing project of the North Carolina Solar Center and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council.

You ought to take a minute or two and check out the solar incentives in your state for installing a solar hot water system... they're practically giving these things away. Some states with the highest incentives are Louisiana, California, and Washington. Get on board with solar!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

DIY Solar Heating

There are a million and one thoughtful ways to reduce energy consumption in your home by means of solar energy. Although installing a solar water heater is one of the most effective and efficient, you can also cut costs and reduce emissions by utilizing passive solar design.
And to match the million and one great ideas, there's a million and two great web sites out there to get you started. Here's just one that's pretty helpful in establishing the basics of passive solar energy, from DoItYourself.com:

Using the sun to heat your home through passive solar design can be both environmentally friendly and cost effective. In many cases, you can cut your heating costs by more than 50% compared to the cost of heating the same house that does not include passive solar design.

Passive solar design techniques include placing larger, insulated windows on south-facing walls and locating thermal mass, such as a concrete slab floor or a heat-absorbing wall, close to the windows. However, a passive solar house requires careful design, best done by an architect for new construction or major remodeling.

Solar Tips

■Keep all south-facing glass clean.
■Make sure that objects do not block the sunlight shining on concrete slab floors or heat-absorbing walls.
■Consider using insulating curtains to reduce excessive heat loss from large windows at night.

Read more: http://www.doityourself.com/stry/solar#ixzz0kSSmi5oC

Monday, February 22, 2010

Solar Hot Water In the News...

As this great article illustrates, going with a solar hot water heater is simple and economical... and more and more Americans are figuring this out. Read more from the Wall Street Journal here.

Water heating is the 3rd largest energy expense in most households, after space heating and air conditioners. Installing a simple solar hot water system is just the logical step in the direction of energy independence, and simply saving lots of money each year.

Many great points are touched on in this article. I really liked the statistics illustrated by Monique Hanis of the Solar Energy Industries Association trade group, which represents manufacturers and installers of solar products for electricity, water, and other uses. She says that hot water is the "most efficient way to use solar, short of passive solar where you're using sunlight to warm up tile or stone. You are locking in your cost rate for the next 25 to 30 years. It's basic, but it works."

Sounds crazy, but the benefits of solar hot water heat are just that great.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Welcome to the Solar Heat Exchange Manufacturing Blog.

Heating your hot water with the sun simply makes sense. We have developed the new Simple Drainback System to make heating your hot water even easier.

Our designs save time and money on installations, training and maintenance. Simple plumbing methods combined with high quality equipment create the next generation of solar hot water systems.

Joining the "Green" Revolution

A catch-phrase? Yes. Have we jumped on the bandwagon just to look good? No. Is it simply our jobs to do our part in making the world a better place to live in? Yes.

Installing a solar hot water system has many benefits. Whether you want to help fight global warming, help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, or simply want to cut energy costs, installing a solar hot water system is in your favor.

The Simple Drainback Hot Water System makes it easy for you to join the green revolution. You can use your low maintenance system to heat your domestic hot water or even help heat your home. Going Green is a phrase we hear over and over. It's in the news, it's in commercials, it's a discussion at the evening dinner table. We're here to help you learn more about solar hot water systems and it's benefits, and to make the Simple Drainback System the easy solution for your home or business.

About the Simple Drainback System

Let's find out a bit about this new method of heating your hot water by use of the sun. It's good for the environment, it's affordable, and made right here in the Heartland. Here are a few more benefits of the Simple Drainback System:

•This system applies to almost any hot water application
•It's pre-programmable
•Fully automatic
•Long life
•Maintenance free
•High return on your investment
•Low-cost solar hot water
•Freeze protected
•Good for the environment, good for YOUR wallet!

The Simple Drainback System is just that: simple. One tank, one pump, one controller. For a quick explanation on how it works, click here.