Wednesday, June 30, 2010

SHEM in the News

Solar Heat Exchange Manufacturing made the evening Channel 6 News on June 15th.  They were reporting a story on the Douglas County Jail where SHEM was installing the jail's brand new solar water system. The installation is expected to save $18,000 from the jail's budget during the next 15 years.

Jails are ideal buildings for implementing solar water heating systems. Since most of the hot water usage occurs during the day time in a jail facility, this truly  Maximizes the efficiency of the system.

See the video and learn more about this particular system here

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Simplest Solution for Drainback Installations

The Simple Drainback Tank serves as a low pressure solar fluid reservoir for the system. The domestic water is piped through the super efficient Hot Spring heat exchange coil in order to transfer the solar energy to the domestic hot water line. This configuration enables the system to operate with a single pump. The password protected SHEM 32 controller is optimally programmed for the Simple Drainback System.

The Simple Drainback System reduces the number of components associated with traditional drainback systems, significantly reducing installation time and complexity. The system design eliminates the need for additional pumps, tanks, piping and hardware.

The system arrives installation ready with the pump flange and the pre-wired controller fastened to the tank. Installation requires only four plumbing connections and one sensor connection. Once filled with water, the system is ready for years of maintenance free, reliable operation.

For more information, visit our website at

Monday, June 7, 2010

California Rebates & Tax Credits

New rebates and tax credits are making it easier for California residents to use solar energy to heat the water in their homes. KPBS reporter Sharon Heilbrunn discusses the benefits of solar water heaters.  State regulators recently approved $350 million in rebates for homes and businesses that switch to solar water heating. Katrina Phruksukarn of the California Center for Sustainable Energy says this is a boost to the industry.

Check out this informative video from that explains exactly how solar water heaters work, and the benefits of installing one in your home.